Ok here is where it gets complicated this post is about my musings on the quantum world. First off I would like to stress I am in no way an expert on these subjects I am merely a hobby studier.
Anyway a couple of weeks ago someone asked me if there was a way round the shrodingers Cat experiment. The fact is there is no way to know wether the cat is alive or dead without observing it in one way or another, however in this instance saying observed to me leaves to many holes. Basically as soon as you find put what state the cat is in the superposition breaks down into only one state. Ok I know it's hard to imagine so honestly don't try and imagine the inside of the box it just breaks your mind because nothing can both exist and not exist at the same time. People often tell me quantum states don't exist, if your thinking that then your kinda right they don't exist as long as we are observing them at all other times they do. Still mind blown? Yea well just wait till the next paragraph.
Ok now is the time for me to tell you something that changed the way I understood the world. You ready? No? Well to bad, ok here goes.
Every atom is everywhere and nowhere in the universe until it's observed by something or someone. It makes my world seem so tied into something or someone at such a basic level that to me nothing can justify then universe quite right. Well that's where quantum conciseness comes into play. However I'll get to that later.
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